all postcodes in CH48 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH48 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH48 6BA 17 0 53.37686 -3.167804
CH48 6BB 11 0 53.376192 -3.167244
CH48 6BD 3 0 53.373478 -3.165291
CH48 6DA 23 0 53.377637 -3.172049
CH48 6DB 17 0 53.377416 -3.171652
CH48 6DD 12 0 53.376725 -3.171498
CH48 6DE 24 0 53.378802 -3.170563
CH48 6DF 21 0 53.378304 -3.170023
CH48 6DG 41 0 53.378465 -3.165458
CH48 6DH 8 0 53.377574 -3.171086
CH48 6DJ 14 0 53.377981 -3.170871
CH48 6DL 19 0 53.377278 -3.167394
CH48 6DN 21 0 53.377898 -3.165577
CH48 6DP 14 3 53.378525 -3.168464
CH48 6DQ 32 0 53.37816 -3.165449
CH48 6DR 28 3 53.377495 -3.164454
CH48 6DS 19 1 53.374165 -3.168542
CH48 6DT 8 0 53.375692 -3.1669
CH48 6DU 14 0 53.374557 -3.166163
CH48 6DW 21 0 53.377425 -3.167083